Cost Scale Breakdown

A sliding cost scale allows Elements Learning Collaborative to be economically accessible. Please choose the highest cost option that you are financially able to. If you are interested in donating to our non-profit program, email for details.

Sessions are between 10-12 weeks. Use the information at the beginning of the form to help you determine full cost for each session of choice.

Option A - FULL PROGRAM COST $60/Day
Full days - $180 / 1 week
Half days - $120 / 1 week

Option B - SUBSIDIZED COST $50/Day
Full days - $150 / 1 week
Half days - $100 / 1 week

Elements Nature Program is happy to provide one Full Scholarship and two Half-Cost Scholarships for each session. Past and current scholarship recipients need not reapply within one calendar year. Because of our limited scholarship availability, please apply for a scholarship only if you are in true need. Past and current scholarship recipients are not guaranteed subsequent scholarships. If you select a scholarship option below, you must also fill out the Scholarship Application Form.

Option C - HALF COST SCHOLARSHIP $30/Day - Apply for scholarship in addition to this registration form.
Full days - $90 / 1 week
Half days - $60 / 1 week

Option D - FULL COST SCHOLARSHIP - Apply for scholarship in addition to this registration form.
Full days - $75 non-refundable deposit
Half days - $50 non-refundable deposit

**Scholarship Applications must be submitting at least 8 weeks before your registered start date.**

Upon receipt of your completed form you will receive payment instructions and other forms & information via email.
A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due by Friday, August 23rd 2019. This deposit will go toward needed gear/materials.
The $100 deposit will be applied to your total cost.
The total balance is due no later than 2 weeks before your registered start date, unless a payment plan is established.