Summer 2019 Newsletter
Tree Identifications & Food Chains
We are thrilled and extremely grateful that you and your family have become a part of the Elements community. Enjoying the beauty of Round the Bend Farm with the children is such a joy! RTB's mission to value diversity, model nature and work to redefine wealth align perfectly with our mission! Thank you for supporting our efforts of providing children with a holistic, joyful and child-centered learning experience immersed in nature.
July’s Lessons & Fun
Tree Identification- The children identified oak, maple & cedar (juniper) trees by observing leaves, bark, and fruit. Using our senses of sight and touch we noticed differences in leaf shape and bark texture. We created tree ID books, and played memory/movement games get more familiar.
Food Chain- Being part of a working farm provides numerous opportunities to observe systems in nature. We visited the barn, the garden and the woods and found signs of food chains high and low. The children loved looking for signs and creating stories about the relationships between predators and prey.
Insects, Bees & Wasps- It was so much fun to learn more about the 6 legged creepy crawly, buzzing insects. Laying in the clovers studying various types of bees is fascinating! And sharing songs like "Head, Thorax, Abdomen" make it all pretty memorable.
Social Skills- Through free play, songs, games, yoga,and meals students were able to practice conversation, working together and caring for each other, as well as the earth.
Discussion Questions to Ask Your Child
Did you smell or eat a plant that you have never tried before? What was it? What did it taste like?
What is the difference between a composting toilet vs a regular flush toilet?
How do composting toilets help our earth?
What is growing in the children’s’ garden?
How did you help tend the garden?
How do food chains work? (What eats what on the farm?)
In what ways are you important to nature?
Yours Truly,
Cristy & Rachel
Co-Founders, Elements Learning Collaborative