Fall 2019 Newsletter
Welcome to Elements Nature Program!
Autumn is officially and physically here! It is a wonderful experience to closely feel the change of seasons during our outdoor learning. Each season lends itself to so many important lessons and we are thrilled to be able to explore these lessons with your children. Thank you for supporting our mission to provide children with a holistic, joyful and child-centered learning experience immersed in nature.
Social Skills/Expectations- Through discussion and modeling we define expectations of being on a working farm and functioning as a group of individuals. There is a lot of social thinking that goes on when working/playing in a group. By understanding that there are pro-social choices that result in positive consequences and harmful or unfavorable choices that result in negative consequences, one can problem-solve more effectively.
Our Guidelines
Use peaceful and helpful words and hands
Always look after each other- we encourage kindness and caring
Treasure and preserve the beautiful world around us
Be thoughtful in making choices - we think through the “what will happen if…”
We always make others feel included, valued and loved
Sensations & Emotions- Using feeling stones, books, games, art and discussion we practice identifying feelings, the thoughts behind them, and positive communication with one another. A lot of this happens by simply offering a safe learning environment and healthy boundaries that allow the children a bit of independence.
We then connected our understanding of emotions with sensory observations. Sensory observations are sent as messages to our brain and then translated into thoughts, feelings, and actions. The children are learning about why things are spiked, sticky, smooth, rough, bumpy, and slimy. The knowledge of “why” something is can be so powerful and open-ended. We enjoyed taking our field notebooks and looking around to see what things in our environment can change our emotions. “The flowers make me feel lovely” “The wasp nest makes me feel scared” “My friends make me feel happy!”
Nature Lessons- During play, children immerse themselves in nature by climbing on the rocks, in the trees and laying on the ground. Before play each morning we offer learning invitations by asking open-ended questions. “Using your five senses to look, feel, smell, hear, and taste what signs of seasonal change can you observe?”
Some of the children’s observations: “Autumn olives along the farm road are a sign of early Autumn!” “The air is getting cooler, but the leaves are still green.” “The morning is dark when I wake up.” “The reptiles and amphibians are still collecting warmth from the sun.” “But some days are still warm! This weekend we were at the beach swimming!”
The natural setting, also allows the children to stumble upon unexpected lessons. They work together to search, catch and release various creatures. They remind each other to stay low, take a deep breath when excited, and use careful hands. By watching others they know to look under rotting wood for “roly poly’s” & salamanders. They understand the difference between a toad and a frog. One child reminded her friends, “the salamander needs to stay moist, let’s let it go.” Another exclaimed, “toads are really good at camouflage!”
Farm Chores- Our summer garden has provided us with a bounty of peppers, cucumbers, watermelons, tomatoes, husk cherries, garlic, turmeric, ginger, basil, scallions, & calendula. We harvest ripe fruit and veggies for ourselves. Then we collect the weeds and spoiled fruits/veggies for the goats, chickens, & pigs. The Takeaway: Nothing goes to waste -everything has a purpose!
Discussion Questions to Ask Your Child
How are emotional feelings different/similar from physical touch feelings?
Where do you feel your feelings of happiness? Sadness? Frustration? Excitement?
How can you explain to others how you are feeling?
How did you help tend the garden?
What does a seasonal change feel like?
What animal signs did you find that tell you colder weather is coming?
In what ways are you important to nature?
Yours Truly,
Cristy & Rachel
Co-Founders, Elements Learning Collaborative